Leadership Bridge

Leadership Bridge, in partnership with New Leaders, the University of Illinois Chicago, and Accelerate Institute, is dedicated to developing a robust, high-quality, and diverse pipeline of school leaders in Chicago. This program provides practical, on-the-job professional development and expert coaching to equip aspiring principals with the skills needed to secure CPS principal positions within three years. Leadership Bridge guides principal and AP pairs through self-assessment, collaboration, and comprehensive planning as they prepare for the principalship and develop succession plans.

It ensures smooth transitions and maintains academic and cultural consistency in schools, as measured by tools like the IAR and 5Essentials. Additional tools, such as the Vanderbilt Assessment of Leadership in Education (VAL-ED), help participants engage in reflective practice and develop the skills necessary for effective school leadership.

EligibilityCurrent Assistant Principal who is interested in transitioning to the principalship within three years.
ORGANIZATIONThe Chicago Public Education Fund
DURATION1 academic year
TIME COMMITMENT~50 hours depending on cohort

Opens March 2024-August 2024

