Design Coaching to Implement

In 2022-23, The Chicago Public Education Fund piloted targeted coaching for select schools to kick-start their SDP projects. Following its success, this approach is now evolving into yearlong, tailored support. We’re partnering with former Chicago principals and design thinking professionals to provide individual coaching and group learning to ensure SDP initiatives are effectively implemented, supported, and sustained.

Teams can be lead by Principals, Assistant Principals, or Teacher Leaders. To better understand how participating teams are evolving and developing their leadership skills, we closely monitor targeted student outcomes associated with each project. At the end of the school year, participating schools are provided with recommendations for how to complete implementation for the following academic year.

While Principals are not required to be on the design teams for their schools, we will request regular check-ins with school leadership to ensure alignment of project and school goals.

EligibilityTeams can be lead by Principals, Assistant Principals, or Teacher Leaders.
ORGANIZATIONThe Chicago Public Education Fund
DURATION1 academic year.
TIME COMMITMENT3 Cohort sessions (1-hour each), Monthly Coaching Calls (1-hour each)

Opens March 2024-August 2024